Teams have two things: Members (surprise!) and Projects. When you create a Team you also get an area where its members can create Projects, upload and share files.

Each Team member has one of these roles:

You can read more about Roles and Permissions here.

Projects can be shared with Teams. Team members will inherit their roles in this case, so a User that has the Member role in the Team will have the Member role in the shared Project too.

Hidden Teams

A Hidden Team is an Enterprise feature and behaves just like an ordinary Team, with one exception: it cannot own Projects. Hidden Teams will soon replace Groups and is intended to meet the same need: grouping Users together for the sole purpose of giving access to other Teams’ resources.

To create a Hidden Team, go to the Teams tab in your Company Settings. Click “New Team” and make sure to check the “Hidden Team” checkbox in the form. Note: you cannot hide or “un-hide” a Team after it has been created.


Hidden Teams are marked with an crossed-out eye in the Teams list.


Members of a Hidden Team will not see the Team in the sidebar. Any Projects shared with the Hidden Team are available under its members “Shared with me” section.