Projects sit at the top of Klash’s file structure. A Project has a “bin” where you can create folders, upload files, and organise your assets.

Projects also have their own set of access controls. A Project is always owned by either a Team or a User. If it’s owned by a Team, all members of that Team have access to the project. But you can also add external users. You could for example use this to allow a partner you’re working with to put assets in your Project. Project memberships have the same set of Roles as Team memberships, but scoped to the Project.

Note: Team Roles trump Project Roles, so it doesn’t make sense to give a User the Viewer role on a Project, if that User has the Member Role in the Team that owns the Project.

Sharing a Project

You have a couple of different options for giving other users access to your project. The default behaviour depends on your Plan:

Project members

You can invite other users and teams to your project. Project members are managed in the Members tab, next to the Project bin tab. Invite new members by searching for the User or Team and click the Invite button.


Project directory shares

Adding members to your project works really well when sharing it with people inside your organisation. Sometimes however, you might need to share it with someone that doesn’t have a KLASH account. Just as you share files, you can also share directories.

People with access to the shared directory will be able to see any content within (current and future). This is a great way to quickly create a common space to share assets with a client, where new material can be uploaded as it is produced, and everyone will have instant access to it.

You can share any directory in the project bin, right-click a directory and click “share”.


If you’re inside of a folder you can find the share button here. This also lets you share the “project root”.
