On KLASH, billable users are registered users under your company, team, or project. This can be employees and external users you invite as members. A billable user can have the role Owner, Admin, Member, or Viewer, so it's independent of the role.

“Pending invites” are also counted as billable users. You could have otherwise ended up in a situation where you hit the ceiling for the number of users on your account before the person you invited had time to accept the invitation.

To view and manage the users you are billed for, go into Admin Settings > Users if you are on the Enterprise plan, or Manage Users. Here, you’ll get a list of all you are paying for and which of your resources they have access to. You’ll also see a list of pending invites. From here you can disable and remove users and invites.

You can share unlimited customer and supplier files and folders for free. Just right-click on the file or folder you want to share. If you add one or more email addresses in Share, the recipient/-s will be notified by email but they will not be treated as billable users.

The main difference between billable and free users under your account is that billable users have a registered account on KLASH. Using email and password or Single Sign-On (SSO) to sign in. Free users get a simplified studio and do not have to create an account or sign in. You may force them to enter a password or use 2FA with a mobile phone number to access shared content, but they still don’t have a registered account.

As a recipient of a shared folder, it’s not possible to upload files in the folder unless you are a billable user. However, as a recipient, you will still be notified when new files are added to the folder.